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Innovation Gym Inauguration

Innovation Gym Inauguration

Innovation Gym Inauguration

Francesco Sellari reports on the Corriere della Sera about Project Smart & Heart Rome, promoted by the City of Rome, with the inauguration of the Innovation Gym at the Istituto Comprensivo di via Poppea Sabina in Rome.


School: New “Innovation Gyms” Help Students Become Digital Craftsmen

The first Innovation Gym, a lab for the development of digital skills, was inaugurated at the Istituto Comprensivo di via Poppea Sabina in Roma, twinned with the Liceo Artistico Enzo Rossi, as part of Project «Smart & Heart Rome»

by Francesco Sellari, May 19, 2022


The video: Urban Furnishings and Sustainable Fashion. Here are the New Innovation Gyms in Schools (in Italian)



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