The courses organised by Project BYOC – Build Your Own Cloud, promoted with Acer [see news: School in the Cloud], kicked off yesterday in Prato at the Istituto comprensivo Pier Cironi, directed by Alessandro Giorni.
The first appointment with the Cloud Professor Kit turned into an exciting and fun day of work under the guidance of Phyrtual Innovation Gym Coaches Mohamed Fadiga and Valentina Gelsomini.
The educational value of the project according to Head Master Alessandro Giorni:
Today, the course will move to IIS Galileo Galilei in Livorno, with the help of Professor Gabriele Volpi. The project is coordinated by Cecilia Stajano, School Innovation Manager.
Oggi sessione formativa presso l'IIS Galileo Galilei di Livorno, con il supporto del docente Gabriele Volpi. Il progetto è coordinato da Cecilia Stajano, responsabile Innovazione nella scuola.