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Inclusive Didactics

Inclusive Didactics

Inclusive Didactics

Even primary schools can be protagonists at the Global Junior Challenge!


The 3° Circolo didattico G. Siani di Marano in Naples will participate in the 8th edition of the GJC with a project entitled From thinkering... to Robotics, based on inclusion, creativity and computation.


Professor Enza Amoruso explains to Fiammetta Castagnini why the school decided to participate in the international contest.


Ascolta "DAL TINKERING ...ALLA ROBOTICA" su Spreaker.


The project begins with the construction of ScaraBot, a machine created with waste material that doodles its route on paper. The second phase of the project is based on the construction and programming of robots with a block-based language.



For further information:



Fiammetta Castagnini

Tel. 06 42014109


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