Today and tomorrow, Ana Lain will represent the Fondazione Mondo Digitale at the general assembly of Telecentre Europe for two intense days of work in Amsterdam. The assembly will focus on the activities implemented in 2015 and the strategic plan for 2016.
Telecentre Europe is an international non-profit organization that brings together national associations working in the field of digital inclusion to share their experiences.
Amongst the most recent projects conducted in partnership with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, there is Project E-UROPa “Enabling European e-Participation” that raised citizen awareness on the opportunity to participate in European politics via on-line tools.
Tra i progetti recenti, in partneship con la Fondazione Mondo Digitale, c'è E-UROPa “Enabling European e-Participation” che ha sensibilizzato cittadini sulle possibilità di partecipazione on line alle politiche europee.