Today, Monday, July 18, is the last day to take advantage of the special registration rate for the International Erickson "DIDATTICHE.2016. Immaginare, sperimentare, innovare" Conference (Didactics 2016. Imagining, Experimenting, Innovating) that will be held at the Rimini Palacongressi on November 11-12, 2016.
Participants who register before July 18 are entitled to a 30% discount: 170 euro (including VAT) instead of 240 Euro, plus a free e-book.
A further 5% discount is available to all teachers in the Fondazione Mondo Digitale Network. Please contact Rosy D'Elia at Tel. 0642014109 (extension 215) to find out what code to use for this discount.
Please remember that the Didattiche.2016 Conference can only accommodate 2000 participants. Teachers can use the 500-euro bonus introduced by the "Buona Scuola" Bill n. 107/2015.