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I’m Not Old Enough

I’m Not Old Enough

I’m Not Old Enough

Tomorrow, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale will participate in the last event organised for the rich programme of the Forum PA. There will also be four events live streamed, organised as a relay, to discuss hot issues such as resilient digital transformation. On Saturday, July 11, Cecilia Stajano[@CStajano], School Innovation and Community Manager at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will participate in the second session - "Non ho l'età" – from 10.30 to 11.15 am.


Forum PA, July 11, 2020

Session 2 | Non ho l’età

10.30 - 11.15 am


During the digital revolution, our greatest challenge is to make sure that no one fall behind. Elder aged 75 and over total 11.7% of the Italian population. Videocalls, sharing storytelling experiences and simplified Internet navigation are just a few of the initiatives that have been fielded to promote maximum social inclusion through digital tools.


The creation of new competences, digital literacy and a safe use of new technology are central issues for the active development of elders and with an eye to gradually bridging the generational gap.


Introduction and Moderation

  • Alice Confalonieri, Project Officer, FPA, Forum PA
  • Eleonora Sisci, Project Officer, FPA, Forum PA



  • Fabrizio Dacrema, National “Culture Area” Manager, Auser
  • Grazia Guermandi, Human Resources, Organisation and Communications Manager, Regione Emilia-Romagna
  • Anna Schippa, Project Manager, #Gemma
  • Cecilia Stajano, Welfare Community Manager, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
  • Michele Vaccaro, Nonny Device Creator


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