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If the Design is Immersive

If the Design is Immersive

If the Design is Immersive

Today, the students from the Quasar Design University will be welcomed to the Immersive Lab by their Professor, Emanuele Tarducci, who only six years ago, in 2009, was identified as one of the 190 creative youths in the European Yearbook of Creativity.


The Quasar Design University, which has been active for nearly 30 years in the fields of design and visual and multimedia communication, is accredited by the Regione Lazio and issues professional and specialist certifications that are recognized throughout the European Union.


An architect and Interaction Designer, Emanuele Tarducci is an expert in electronic technology applied to design. He collaborated with ENEA on the development of interactive museum systems and won numerous awards at international design contests. In 2007, he founded In4mal – Interaction 4 Multimedia & Architecture | Lab – a project network that brings together a wide range of multidisciplinary skills. Starting this year, Emanuele is also a coach at the Officina – New Jobs Workshop (see Who are the Coaches?).


In the Immersive Lab at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym, the students will experiment with a research, development and educational environment equipped with pioneering technology (i.e., CAVE VR, Oculus Rift, Emotiv Neurofeedback) to study sensorial and emotional immersion that characterizes both old and new media: cinema, videogames, theme attractions, virtual reality.

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