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Ideas for the Environment

Ideas for the Environment

Ideas for the Environment

“Salamander” wins the first stop of the Talent Tour promoted by Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Invitalia in collaboration with the University of Palermo, the ARCA Consortium and the Palermo-Enna Chamber of Commerce [see news: Team Challenge in Palermo]. Ten teams participated in a challenge on “AI & Robotics for Climate Change”.


Team Safety Environmental Engineering, composed by Professors Giuseppe Ragonese and Donatella Termini, received the highest score from the jury. Project Salamander is an automatic, intelligent application to protect solar panels. The system, which is already covered by an industrial patent, resolves a vast range of issues, including work accidents caused by faulty maintenance, as well as increasing solar panel efficiency and product life cycle.


Second place was awarded to a team of students from the University of Palermo, Team Dr. rOBOTNIK, with Tiziana Currieri, Francesco Foderà and Giuseppe di Cristofaro, who presented a robot for the agricultural market that uses an sensors and an artificial intelligence algorithm to identify the needs of plants and provide efficient solutions for their care. Project Bio Bot aims to reduce water waste in agriculture and improve plant care in a productive segment that is highly impacted by climactic change.


Third place went to Team 2038 Innovation Company, which was brilliantly represented by Paula Mantovanini who faced the challenge on her own, because her teammates had the flu.  Project 2 BEE IoT addresses the delicate sector of apiculture. This is an innovative low-cost system for a growing sector that does not have any technological systems to improve work efficiency. 2beeIoT meets the needs of beekeepers by improving their work both in terms of time efficiency and hive control.


A special mention also goes to the other seven teams that participated with great interest and proactivity, with courage and humility: GreenRobotics, Smart Island, ReVita team, Eng. Co. Sys., S.G.C.S., Team Tino and Env Advisor Team. Students and university professors, start-uppers and companies gave life to a symposium of ideas on climactic change that promises well for the future.


The Ten Challenge Ideas



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