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I Am the Other


I Am the Other

I Am the Other
On November 13, 2012 the first workshop for teachers and tutors was held in Pescara for Project SI – Italian School promoted by the Regione Abruzzo, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and local CTPs.
Rossana Bove, an Italian professor at CTP n°2 in Avezzano tells us about her experience and what is needed: “we have a strong need for integration that can only be catalyzed by knowledge. Reciprocal knowledge is not only about understanding content, but also about acting, about embarking on a route of active citizenship.”
Watch the video interview

“The Partnership between institutions, schools and associations is fundamental to provide citizens with real answers” explains Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
Watch the video interview

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