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How to Generate New Ideas

How to Generate New Ideas

How to Generate New Ideas

Educational sessions continue to be held as part of School Accelerator, the project organised in collaboration with Lazio Innova for high schools in Lazio in the run-up to RomeCup, which will be held phyrtually on April 27-30, 2021. The project was developed by the Startup School Academy, a programme to orient young students towards self-enterprise and social innovation to face the post-Covid-19 future.


High schools in Lazio are called to work on the production and development of innovative ideas in:

  • Robotics
  • Lifestyle
  • Life Sciences
  • 5G
  • Social Fragility


The best ideas will be presented at RomeCup 2021 (April 27-30, 2021).


The activities are organised into four phases:

  • Distance learning for schools
  • Conception and validation of ideas
  • Selection of the best ideas and production
  • Presentation at RomeCup


The next lesson on The Innovator’s Steps will be held tomorrow (Friday, February 26 from 12 to 1 pm). The session, dedicated to the generation of ideas, will be held by Cecilia Stajano [@CStajano], Community Manager at the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


“Generating ideas” means employing one’s capability to resolve complex problems through a global vision and the creative management of the development process. It can therefore be defined as a whole of cognitive, strategic and practical processes through which to develop new products and services.


Webinar Programme

  • Empathise: understand the emotional needs of idea targets
  • Define: from needs analysis to organisation of collected information
  • Conceive: brainstorming session on creating innovative solutions and selecting the best
  • Prototype: shaping an idea
  • Test: verify previous steps and true feasibility


Photo by Arek Socha from Pixabay


Foto di Arek Socha da Pixabay

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