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Here Comes the RomeCup


Here Comes the RomeCup

Here Comes the RomeCup
From March 20 to 22, Rome will become the Capital of Robotics and host three major events in one: a showcase, competitions and an awards ceremony. The events will be hosted at the Rome Città Educativa and the Campidoglio. On the last day, a meeting will be dedicated to the professions of the future for the Job Matching Day.
RomeCup Agenda and News:
The seventh edition of the RomeCup 2013 – Excellence in Robotics in Rome, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaboration with ANP (Association of School Managers and Professionals) and with the support of Comau Robotics, ENEA, STMicroelectronics and Media Direct, will be held in Rome from March 20 to 22, 2013. Once again, the event grows bigger and adds new appointments. The official opening will be held on March 20 (9:30 am - Rome Città Educativa - via del Quadraro 102). The programme includes two days of competitions, a showcase area with conferences, workshops and laboratories (March 20-21) and the final competitions rounds and the awards ceremony at the Rome Campidoglio (March 22).
Competitions: the first two days (10 am – 5 pm) will be dedicated to the “RomeCup 2013 – International City of Rome Robotics Trophy” featuring the following competition categories: soccer, dance, explorer and rescue as well as the national selections for the “Robocup Junior World Championship” (soccer and cospace theatre). Le fasi finali si terranno il terzo giorno in Campidoglio. In total, ten awards will be presented: one for each competition category. Peter Van Lith, Chairman RoboCup Junior 2013, will be one of the competition judges.
Conferences and Workshops: on March 20 and 21 three major conferencese will be held with prominent speakers. Robotics and Development: from life skills to entrepreneurial competence (March 20, 10 am); Robotics and Development: from schools to companies via research centers (21 March, 10 am); Robotics and Work: youth and new professions. Moreover, the first two days of the RomeCup will also host three workshops on innovative didactics for school teachers and administrators: new didactic approaches for the integration of disabled students, mechanical sculptures to learn how to construct a robot and new techniques to involve students in innovative activities
Laboratories: 18 interactive laboratories will be dedicated to students from the “playful bee” for ludic learning to industrial automation and simulation rpogrammes for 21st century labour.
Showcase area: companies, research centres, universities and schools will exhibit the Italian excellence in Robotics. Exhibitors include: Comau Robotics, Zucchetti Centro Sistemi, ENEA (Italian National Agency for Technology, Energy and Economic Development), STMicroelectronics, Google, Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Politecnico di Torino, Università degli Studi di Roma “Sapienza”, Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Università Politecnica delle Marche, ANIAT (National Association for Technology Teachers) and 15 leading Italian schools.
Awards Ceremony and Job Matching Day: day three will be held at the Rome Campidoglio, Sala della Protomoteca. This includes the final competition phases, an exhibition of NAO humanoid robots directed by audience vocal commands and the final Awards Ceremony with prominent guests. The JMD Job Matching Day on professions of the future will allow students to meet enterprises and universities.

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