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Helping the Blind

Helping the Blind

Helping the Blind

We met Luca Nardelli, Saverio Murgia and Benedetta Magri, three university students, at RomeCup 2015 [see news Seeing Better], where they showcased Horus, an innovative device that improves the life quality of individuals with impaired eyesight. Horus, in fact, can recognize the space around a person and provide precise indications via an ear piece.


According to Forbes, Luca and Saverio, respectively CTO and founder of Eyra, both 25 years old, are among the most talented young entrepreneurs in Italy [see 30 under 30 Europe: Social Entrepreneurs].



Daily “La Repubblica” interviewed Biomedical Engineer Saverio Murgia.

Saverio Murgia: "Con un algoritmo leggiamo la realtà ai non vedenti"

Artisti, diplomatici e hacker, ecco gli under 30 più influenti d’Italia. Parla l'ingegnere biomedico [in Italian]

by Jaime D'Alessandro

La Repubblica, Jan. 22, 2017

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