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Heading to Mexico City

Heading to Mexico City



Robocup 2012, which will be held from June 18 to 24, will inolve experts and competitors in competitions, symposiums, showcase areas and workshops.  
Italy will be represented by a number of schools and universities, many of which were protagonists at the last edition of the RomeCup 2012 - Excellence in Robotics in Rome promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The under-nineteen category of Robocup Junior boasts 10 Italian teams that will challenge schools from around the world in a variety of categories:
    SPQR Levis -  Soccer Junior Light Weight - Field A ITIS G. Galilei - IISS J. Von Neumann, Rome chaperoned by Prof. Gianpaolo Pucci
    Bionics Soccer -  Soccer Junior Open League - Field A IT Archimede, Catania chaperoned by Prof. Domenico Ardito
    SPQR Gravis - Soccer Junior Open League - Field B ITIS G. Galilei - IISS J. Von Neumann, Rome chaperoned by Prof.  Paola Torda
    CARDANO ROBOTIX - Soccer Junior Open League - Field B I.I.S. Piazza della Resistenza, Monterotondo chaperoned by Prof. Livio Consorte
    Manetti Globetrotters - Soccer Junior Open League - Field B ISIT Manetti, Grosseto chaperoned by Prof. Daniele Dattrino
    SOSBEARZI -  Primary Rescue A Istituto Salesiano G.Bearzi, Udine chaperoned by Prof. Francesco Calderini
    Endless Runner - Secondary Rescue A ITIS G.Chilesotti chaperoned by Prof. Carlo Gecchelin
    Jujitsurossi - Rescue B ITIS A. Rossi, Vicenza chaperoned by Prof. Andriolo Stefano
    GruzanteDance - Dance CoSpace Theatre (Demo) ITIS Carlo Zuccante, Venice chaperoned by Prof. Giuseppe Callegarin
    Itimonaco1 - Secondary Dance ITI  A. Monaco, Cosenza chaperoned by Prof. Remo Scavello
All the teams participating in the Soccer category were selected at RomeCup 2012.
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