2 min.
Robocup 2012, which will be held from June 18 to 24, will inolve experts and competitors in competitions, symposiums, showcase areas and workshops.
Italy will be represented by a number of schools and universities, many of which were protagonists at the last edition of the RomeCup 2012 - Excellence in Robotics in Rome promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
The under-nineteen category of Robocup Junior boasts 10 Italian teams that will challenge schools from around the world in a variety of categories:
• SPQR Levis - Soccer Junior Light Weight - Field A ITIS G. Galilei - IISS J. Von Neumann, Rome chaperoned by Prof. Gianpaolo Pucci
• Bionics Soccer - Soccer Junior Open League - Field A IT Archimede, Catania chaperoned by Prof. Domenico Ardito
• SPQR Gravis - Soccer Junior Open League - Field B ITIS G. Galilei - IISS J. Von Neumann, Rome chaperoned by Prof. Paola Torda
• CARDANO ROBOTIX - Soccer Junior Open League - Field B I.I.S. Piazza della Resistenza, Monterotondo chaperoned by Prof. Livio Consorte
• Manetti Globetrotters - Soccer Junior Open League - Field B ISIT Manetti, Grosseto chaperoned by Prof. Daniele Dattrino
• SOSBEARZI - Primary Rescue A Istituto Salesiano G.Bearzi, Udine chaperoned by Prof. Francesco Calderini
• Endless Runner - Secondary Rescue A ITIS G.Chilesotti chaperoned by Prof. Carlo Gecchelin
• Jujitsurossi - Rescue B ITIS A. Rossi, Vicenza chaperoned by Prof. Andriolo Stefano
• GruzanteDance - Dance CoSpace Theatre (Demo) ITIS Carlo Zuccante, Venice chaperoned by Prof. Giuseppe Callegarin
• Itimonaco1 - Secondary Dance ITI A. Monaco, Cosenza chaperoned by Prof. Remo Scavello
All the teams participating in the Soccer category were selected at RomeCup 2012.
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