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In the Hands of Science

In the Hands of Science

In the Hands of Science

How important is it be able to rely on the support of patient associations throughout a therapy? We have organised Factor J sessions with them, involving 9000 young men and women in “therapeutic stories” in six areas: oncology, haematology, immunology, infectious diseases, pulmonary hypertension and neuroscience.


A local event is scheduled for today (Wed. April 27) at the Rome Liceo “I. Kant” at 11:00 with some of the 13 patient associations that are participating in the project network to raise awareness on health and wellbeing in the educational process. Local authorities, young ambassadors for Project Factor J and professionals from Janssen Italia, the pharmaceutical company of the Johnson & Johnson Group, will also be participating.


The event will also provide the opportunity to present the results of the third thematic research project produced by Project Factor J and developed by the University of Siena on changes in the lifestyles of youth connected to opinions concerning science. How influenced are students by scientists, doctors and health personnel? How many of believe that it is important to change habits?


The objective of Project Factor J, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with Janssen Italia, is to increase the awareness of the younger generations in the progress of science, the importance of correct scientific information and the importance of responsible behaviour for everyone’s wellbeing and health.


The event will be held in observance of all the hygienic and health measures required for Covid-19 containment.




To raise awareness on correct scientific information and the choice of responsible behaviour for everyone’s health and wellbeing.

Local event | Rome, April 27, 11:00

Liceo classico e linguistico Immanuel Kant, Piazza Zambeccari 19

Event held in respect of anti-Covid-18 hygienic and sanitary measures

The event can also be followed remotely on Zoom






11.00 | Moderator: Leonardo Radicchi, President, AIPI Pulmonary Hypertension Association


  • 11.05 | Welcome by Elisabetta Durantini, Director, Liceo “I. Kant” - Rome


11.15 | Opening Remarks

  • Loretta Mameli, Patient Engagement Lead & Pipeline Execution Lead, Janssen Italia
  • Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale


11.30 | Q&A with patient associations and Janssen employees by Factor J Ambassadors


Ambassadors: Tommaso Cocumelli (student at IIS Piaget Diaz - Rome, Laura Malaggese and Romina Capi, students at IIS San Benedetto – Cassino)


Janssen Representatives:

  • Emiliano Grassi, Product Manager Neuroscience,
  • Andrea Casati, Car-T Lead


Patient Associations

  • Maria Pia Ruggieri, Director of the First Aid and Emergency Medicine Unit, Azienda Ospedaliera San Giovanni Addolorata in Rome, and Directive Council of SalutEquità
  • Daniela Mondatore, Director of the CittadinanzAttiva Higher Education School
  • Luisa Clausi Schettini, Director, Associazione Italiana contro Leucemie, linfomi e mieloma (AIL) Roma
  • Felicia Giagnotti, Presidente Fondazione Progetto Itaca Onlus



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