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Gym 3.0 in Monselice

Gym 3.0 in Monselice

Gym 3.0 in Monselice

The results of the School Innovation 2016 call promoted by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmia di Padova e Rovigo have been published. The selection phase ended with 25 schools funded in the Provinces of Padua and Rovigo.


One is the Istituto Cattaneo-Mattei in Monselice (Padoua) for Project “A 3.0 Innovation Gym: environments for constructionist learning for the future of school,” inspired by the first Innovation Gym opened in Rome on Via del Quadraro [see:] and built in partnership with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


It was announced by Physics teacher Alfonso D'Ambrosio “with pride and happiness” on Facebook. Here is her post. And here’s to a profitable new year of work to the entire team!


It is with pride and happiness that I announce that my school – IIS Cattaneo Mattei (or better, the Liceo Mattei) has received funding for 100,000 euro (20,000 of which financed by our school) from the Fondazione Cariparo, School and Innovation 2016. The 3.0 Innovation Gym is an environment for constructionist learning that has become reality thanks to the help of our partners and friends. First of all, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale who inspired the very concept and leads the network, to the , Arcadia in Cittadella and its visionary Orazio Stangherlin and the patient Anna Faggin, to La fucina delle Scienze and Marco Picarella and to the University of Padua “Cur Rovigo” Pedagogy Department and Daniela Frison.

It’s not only me rejoicing (after 2 months of preparation and 80 hours to draft the project) with #Nao #Arduino, #Oculus, #Raspberry, virtual worlds, furnishings, mobile spaces, etc., but above all the educational project which also includes teacher training opportunities.


In the photo, Prof Alfonso D'Ambrosio at the Rome Campidoglio receives an award as Innovating Teacher from the Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale Alfonso Molina at the International Global Junior Challenge Competition(2015).


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