Amongst the course participants at the Officina – New Jobs Workshop last week (June 15-19), there was Alessandro Busi, the 25-year old winner of the first prize at the Future Digital Experience Awards, promoted by daily Il Resto del Carlino together with Google [see news Officina Ahoy!].
Alessandro won a room and board scholarship to the Officina – New Jobs Workshop with a provocative idea for a site “to create knowledge using a model similar to Wikipedia.”
The One4One track allows participants to intensively explore the lab they feel is best suited to their skills, passions and life projects. Alessandro chose the Fab Lab and explains why in this interview with Francesca Meini. Amongst the reasons that made the week especially “stimulating,” Alessandro identifies the element of group work.
In the photo on the left a tablet holder, a configurable support system for any type of mobile device, that Alessandro developed for his team.
The Officina – New Jobs Workshop is a project conceived by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Google to promote digital skills and implement professional training and orientation activities for 10,000 young men and women currently looking for a job. The initiative has been organised with the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the collaboration of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Regione Lazio and Roma Capitale