Project Grandparents On-line. Everyone’s Young at the Post Office welcomes over-65s in Potenza, Naples and Trento back to school today for a course on digital literacy.
The schoolbell will ring at 2 pm at IIS Tambosi-Battisti in Trento, the school managed by Headmistress Marina Poian. Classroom activities will be coordinated for the second year in a row by Natale Scoppelliti. The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will be present with Eleonora Curatola.
In a class with more women than men, Vilva and Germana are both 80 years old.
The appointment for citizens in Potenza is at 2.15 pm at the computer lab of IIS Giustino Fortunato, directed by Headmaster Angelo Mazzatura. Classroom activities will be coordinated by Prof. Carmelina Frammartino, winner of a Knowledge Volunteers Award.
The first day of lessons will be followed by Cecilia Stajano, FMD School Innovation Coordinator and National Project Coordinator. The class in Potenza is one of the youngest. Only Maria Antonietta, a former teacher, has turned 75.
In Naples, elders will report by 2.30 pm at IIS Marie Curie, the school directed by Headmistress Patricia Porretta. The courses will be coordinated by Hermes Abate, while Alessandra Fratejacci will be present on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
In particular, this class is characterized by the great heterogeneity of the students’ professions, who worked as seamstresses, railway workers, hairdressers and accountants.
In Milan, lessons began last week [see news: Grandparents On-line in Milan]. In the video, Prof. Moira Tagliafico (Outgoing Orientation) explains why they decided to repeat the experience.