Thurs, 16/02/2017
There are only 6 men in this class of 23; the rest are all women. The average age is 70. Three of the women were former school teachers, while the rest of the class all had different occupations, ranging from pharmacists to bankers.
Let’s learn more about this special class through the interviews recorded by Cecilia Stajano [@CStajano], FMD School Innovation Coordinator and Grandparents On-line Project Manager, the project promoted throughout Italy by Poste Italiane.
The interviews were conducted at the Istituto tecnico economico tecnologico Aldo Capitini in Perugia. Here are the faces and their voices:
Headmaster Silvio Improta
Giovanni, 78, proves that it’s never too late to learn
Diego, Giuseppe’s tutor
Maria Pia, 70, shoe designer
Tutor Chiara: touch is better for elders
Eleonora celebrates her 15th birthday with Grandparents On-line
Maria Cristina Trequattrini, Coordinating Teacher for the second year in a row