"As soon as the school bell rings, they are ready to start again: as teachers, this time. Dozens of school students throughout Italy are participating in the Fondazione Mondo Digitale’s Project “Grandparents on the Internet,” a digital literacy programme providing over-60s with simple and efficient intergenerational learning. The students are the elders and they are taught by their grandchildren, who act as tutors, helping them follow the 15-lesson educational programme [...]".
Today’s issues of the Corriere della Sera, includes the Buone Notizie (Good News) supplement which reports on Project Grandparents on the Internet, currently in its 16th edition for school year 2017-18.
Web? "Grandpa, I’ll Teach You "
by Angela D'Arrigo
Buone Notizie, Corriere della Sera, Feburary 20, 2018