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Golden Workers


Golden Workers

Golden Workers


The presentation of the study on “Technology for the Employment of Elder Workers: towards a European roadmap" was held on 2 October, the Italian Grandparents’ Day. The FMD was there, as it has been working with elders on social and digital inclusion since 2003!
The event was held in Rome at the Offices of Ernst & Young, where the study analysis and results were presented. The study is related to Project Golden Workers, financed by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. The project aims to develop a research programme on ICT and Employment for the promotion of efficient active ageing.
The study includes a variety of analyses on the elder workers and the use of technology, using a roadmap to identify the main sectors on which Europe should focus and invest in the future.
Participants included famous experts from the worlds of academia, politics and industry, including Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the FMD. 
For further information: Programme



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