The Awards Ceremony of the Global Junior Challenge was held this morning at the Rome Campidoglio. Italian schools received six awards. The “Innovating Teacher” Award was presented by Silvana Ferreri De Mauro. The full list of winners and the jury’s motivations are available on and
Awards were presented in the Campidoglio’s Aula Giulio Cesare to the finalists of the 8th edition Global Junior Challenge, the international competition that selects the best projects employing modern technology to promote educational innovation and inclusion. The initiative, organised every two years by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, has received the Medal of the President and has the patronage of the City of Rome, as well as being co-financed by the European Commission Erasmus+ Programme. The 8th edition was organised in collaboration with Biblioteche di Roma, the Rome Museo civico di zoologia and the Naples Città della Scienza.
- Category “Up to 10 Years Old” - Spazi pop up: abbattiamo le barriere, IC Paesi Orobici, Sondrio
- Category “Up to 15 Years Old” - Hi ArtMakers, IC 2 Ortona, Chieti
- Category “Up to 18 Years Old” BYOEG: a scuola con i videogiochi - IIS Cattaneo Mattei, Monselice, Padua, and IC Guinizelli, Castelfranco Emilia, Modena
- Category “Up to 29 Years Old” - Ascensore con controllo a distanza, IIS Fermi, Rome
- Category “ICT for Youth Insertion in the Working World” - E-E20: Second Opportunity Schools Technological Ambassadors Project, Gijon, Spain
- Category “ICT for Sustainable Environmental Development” - 2016, Ano Internacional dos PULSES, Centro Educacional Nosso Mundo, Rio de Jainero, Brazil
- Category “ICT for the Integration of Migrants and Refugees” - Incroci di Suoni, Rome
The winners of these projects received a bronze medal of the Etruscan she-wolf. The awards were presented by Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, and Marcello De Vito, President of the Rome City Council.
The Tullio De Mauro Special Award, created to honour and pursue the civil commitment of this great teacher and promote the role of innovating teachers and school administrators, was presented to Irene De Angelis Curtis, Head Mistress of IIS Leonardo Da Vinci in Rome by Silvana Ferreri De Mauro.
The Small Fund Award, reserved for projects from poorer areas of the world, was presented to Project “I want to be Program” from Ghana, the Most Innovative Italian School Award was assigned to LSS Mancini in Avellino for Project Da – Infinito a + Infinito, La voce dell’Universo.
The Borders No Borders International Hackathon, which involved 25 digital ambassadors aged 14-19, for Project “Make: Learn: Share: Europe” was won by Team 2 with Presence Box.
Global Junior Challenge Press Kit
- Press Release
- Fact Sheet
- Tullio De Mauro Award
- Jury Members
- Finalist Administrators and Professors
- Innovating Teachers 2015
- Project #MLSEurope
- Digital Ambassadors #MLSEurope
- Inclusion Challenges
- Projects and Stories
- Competition
- Projects
- People
- Data on inclusion