One of the novelties of the 8th edition of the Global Junior Challenge is a special award dedicated to Tullio De Mauro. Here’s how to participate:
At the international level, all students achieve excellent results, if schools fully implement inclusion, if they allow 100% of their students to complete their education. The more a school retains its students, including disabled students, the better its results are.
Tullio De Mauro, L'Economist ci ripensa, Internazionale, n. 1158, June17, 2016
The Global Junior Challenge, currently in its eighth edition, is an international competition that employs new technology (Internet, Virtual Reality, Multimedia, etc.) for educating and training young men and women. Promoted by the City of Rome, the GJC, which is organized every two years by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, is the conclusive event of a wide range of activities that promote the strategic role of new technology to share knowledge, drive intercultural cooperation and reduce the social divide to accelerate the successful achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). Projects are divided into four categories based on beneficiary age (up to 10 years old, up to 15, up to 16 and up to 29) and three other categories (Youth Access to Working World, Integration of Immigrants and Refugees, and Environmental Sustainability).
The GJC has often had special awards. In 2015, it presented the “Innovating Teacher Award” and this year it introduces a special award dedicated to Professor Emeritus Tullio De Mauro (Torre Annunziata, 1932 - Rome, 2017), who guided the Fondazione Mondo Digitale for ten years.
The special “Tullio De Mauro Award” aims to recognise the professor’s civic commitment and continue his activities as well as reward the precious role of teachers and administrators who work daily to bring inclusion and quality to their schools. The award will be presented to a success story, described by a teacher or administrator, which efficiently shows how a good school is an inclusive school, the precious lesson that Tullio De Mauro bequeathed us with.
To participate, please send a story in digital format (audio, video, hypertext, etc.) describing and documenting how the success story developed. Audio-visual descriptions must be no longer than 2 minutes; texts no longer than 20 lines. Material must be sent by July 31, 2017 to indicating "GJC 2017 - Premio speciale Tullio De Mauro" in the subject line. Please also attach a photo (for the finalist gallery) and a brief CV. The jury may contact candidates for further information.
The “Tullio De Mauro Award” will be presented on October 27 during the GJC Awards Ceremony in the prestigious Sala Giulio Cesare in the Rome Campidoglio.
By sending us material, the candidates express their consent to the treatment of their personal data as per Italian Bill N. 196/2003 (“Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”). Moreover, they consent to the use, as regulated by law, in any form or fashion, in Italy and abroad, without any time or space limitations, and with no remuneration, of their images and digital material, even via reductions or adaptations, to promote the Global Junior Challenge Competition.
Fiammetta Castagnini,
Tel. 06 42014109