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Give Campaign in Milan

Give Campaign in Milan

Give Campaign in Milan

The Give Campaign for educational volunteering by Microsoft employees for Programme Ambizione Italia for Schools continues. Microsoft employees can “donate” three days of their time to educate the new generations.


Today, the Milan Microsoft House will host an interactive session on artificial intelligence with Davide Cattaneo, EMEA Head of Sales, who has been with Microsoft for over 6 years, and Bianca Frigerio.


The AI Class, which has been recently renewed thanks to the C2 Group, will welcome students from the Licei di Viale dei Tigli in Gallarate (Varese) for a four-hour interactive laboratory (9 am – 1 pm).


The volunteering programme is part of the Microsoft CSR Programme, or CSV -Creating Shared Value, as Barbara Cominelli, Microsoft Italy Director of  Marketing & , prefers to call it [see article: Ambizione Italia - Give Campaign].


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