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Games to Share

Games to Share

Games to Share

The first experience of the Coding Girls as coaches were very positive. Yesterday, sixteen-year-olds Arianna and Michela, year-three students at the IIS Lucio Lombardo Radice School in Rome, the school directed by Marina Proietti, held courses for young children at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.


The two students held a coding laboratory for young children from the Istituto comprensivo Via Volsinio (plesso S. Maria Goretti) with the Scratch Platform, the free coding language developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab.


Teacher Marilena, who accompanied the class, describes their experience to Cecilia Stajano.

Ascolta "A scuola di programmazione con le Coding Girls" su Spreaker.


An interview with Michela and Arianna by Eleonora Curatola.


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