The Future Recoded educational tour is ready to go. Today, Friday, Jan. 13, it will be at IIS M.R. Padre Giovanni Bonsignori (Remedello, Province of Brescia) from 9 am to 1 pm with Coach Angelo Pasciuti, a Microsoft Student Partner at his first lesson (see news MSP Task Force).
Moroever, today, Manrico Diamantini, Microsoft Student Partner, will host a webinar with programmers at IIS Fermi-Mattei di Isernia and Professors Nicola De Crescenzo and Franco Tedeschi.
Project Future ReCoded (March 2016 - February 2017), financed by Microsoft YouthSpark and Fondazione Cariplo, and coordinated by the Fondazione Filarete, aims to provide greater professional opportunities for thousands of Italian students through the practice and development of digital and technological skills.
MSP Task Force