The first lesson of Grandparents On-line. Everyone’s Young at the Post Office – the digital literacy programme for elders promoted with Poste Italiane in 20 cities (see news: Grandparents On-line in Reggio) – just ended at IIS Tommaso Gulli in Reggio Calabria.
Anna Maria, one of the elder students, has returned to school to learn how to surf the web and use on-line services for citizens. She already knows how to use a smartphone and tablet to take photos, discover new recipes and read newspapers. Now, she wants to become even more independent. Her tutor, Luana, a student at the school will help her achieve this challenge together with coordinating teacher Caterina Rossi.
Eighty-nine percent of under-30s, like Luana, connect to the web via smartphone, while amongst over-65s, like Anna Maria, this percentage drops to 16.2%, but this figure is progressively increasing. Now, 7.7% of citizens aged 65 and above use a tablet.
Cecilia Stajano [@Cstajano], Project Manager and School Innovation Coordinator for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, recorded a short part of the lesson with tutor Luana and the opinion of Anna Maria after the first lesson.