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FMD at the Maker Faire

FMD at the Maker Faire

FMD at the Maker Faire

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will hold workshops and labs for children of all ages at the fourth European edition of the Maker Faire (Rome, Oct. 14-16).


Activities will include workshops, didactic labs (ranging from soldering to app development), robotics exhibitions with the Robocup Junior World Champions and the latest creations produced at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab.

Follow the three event days on Twitter, with hashtags #MFR16 and #MFRKids.


At the Maker Faire, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale will present the young team of digital ambassadors for European Project “Make Learn Share Europe” (see news Pacman and Robots) and the spokesperson of the European eSkillsforJobs Campaign.


From October 15 to 23, coaches and tutors will also be busy at the Europe Code Week


Kids Area

Seven labs (robotics, coding and making) for a total of 14 activities (see programme)

  • “Soldering is Easy!” – primary school, years 4 and 5
  • “Coding with Touch Develop” – secondary school
  • Internet of Everything - – secondary school
  • Stop Motion with Minecraft – primary school and first degree secondary school
  • Kodu -  primary school and first degree secondary school
  • Ozobot – primary and secondary school
  • Sound Design – primary and secondary school


Robotic Competitions – Didactic Area

Exhibitions and competitions in the Soccer Category for primary and secondary school with the Robocup Junior World Champions 2016.


Innovation Gym Fab Machines – Fab Lab 4 Kids

Competitions with machines invented and created in the Innovation Gym Fab Lab, which only work with coordinated team play.


Exhibition Area - BOOT

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale stand will showcase last generation prototypes of devices for domotics and artificial intelligence developed by Italian students preparing for the next edition of RomeCup 2017 – Excellence in Robotics in Rome. And immersive reality, digital making and gaming, all on-going activities at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.


Fab Lab Area

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will present 11 projects (collective and individual), developed by makers at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Fab Lab:


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