The City of Rome will host the 2nd National Congress on Flipped Classrooms, promoted by the Flipnet Association in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
Next Friday, Feb. 19, international experts, scholars and 350 teachers from all over Italy will meet at the National Library in Rome to debate innovative, cooperative and inclusive didactic models. The works will be opened by Professor Emeritus Tullio De Mauro.
A modern, innovative school must be able to attract everyone. It’s not a utopia. It’s called “Flipped Classroom,” a new inclusive didactic model for 21st century education.
The “Flipped Classroom” was conceived in the United States and only arrived in Europe a few years ago, but it is quickly winning over teachers and students alike. It is based on replacing frontal lessons and homework with a new learning-teaching process that flips the time, place and roles of traditional didactics and provides answers to individual needs and learning paces of all students. Books are lo longer needed. Students just need a smartphone and teachers who know how to exploit the fantastic opportunities provided by new technology for didactic activities to promote an inclusive, interactive and collaborative school
The 2nd National Congress on Flipped Classrooms will be held next Friday, February 19, at the National Library in Rome. The congress is promoted by the Flipnet Association in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. The works will be introduced by Professor Emeritus Tullio De Mauro, an expert in linguistics and innovative didactics, who will discuss the “flipped learning” approach, integrated with the Life Education Model, with 350 teachers from around Italy.
The event will continue with presentation by Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale; Grazia Paladino, Vice President; Paolo Ferri, Milan Bicocca University; Eraldo Affinati, writer; Daniela Lucangeli University of Padua and Aldo Torrebruno from the Milan Politecnico.
This year’s edition opens up to a European-wide debate. In the afternoon, international workshops will be held to present experiences in France, Spain and England. Speakers include Heloise D. Dufour (France), Raúl Santiago (Spain) e Russel Stannard (United Kingdom).
The event will be streamed live on