Yesterday, about a hundred young men and women gathered on the banks of the Tiber to participate in the call to action launched by FMD Scientific Director Alfonso Molina on the HuffPost [see: Femicide: We Need to Change Course, Oct. 12]. It’s the beginning of a process of cultural change that involves the new generations against all forms of gender discrimination.
November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, commemorates the brutal homicide perpetrated in 1960 in the Dominican Republic during Trujillo’s dictatorship. The event was designated by the United Nations with Resolution N. 54/134 (Dec. 17, 1999). Violence against women arises from the inequality in the relations between men and women. Indeed, the Declaration adopted by the UN General Assembly addresses violence against women as “one of the crucial social mechanisms through which women are forced into subordinate positions, compared to men.”
According to UN data, globally, 35% of women has suffered physical or sexual violence, either by their partners or others. The report also emphasises that two-thirds of the victims in family homicides are women.
We would like to share a few photos that were taken yesterday; in the coming days, we will add a full photo gallery and a short video.