Over 50% of students aged 11-17 have undergone some form of bullying and of those who use a smartphone daily (85.8%), 22.2% claims to have been a victim of cyberbullying. This is the data presented by the Italian Society for Preventive and Social Paediatrics for today’s Day against Bullying and Cyberbullying.
The growing percentage of kids that have negative experiences on-line is also emphasized by the EU Kids Online Study for MIUR and Parole O_Stili. Telefono Azzurro has signalled an increase in grooming, violent content, cyberbullying, sexting and sextortion, stalking, privacy violation, gambling and identity thefts. “Kids know more about it than us,” is what parents and teachers often believe, and not knowing how to evaluate these phenomena, they leave a generation alone, without tools, to face a new, complex and uncontrollable phenomena. A study by AICA reveals the dangerous over-evaluation of the competences of digital natives. Young digital illiterates only have an intuitive understanding of technology (AICA, The False Myth of the “Digital Native”). “Digital lifestyles” do not coincide with work and life competences. The younger generations require an educational eco-system that helps individuals to acquire strategic digital competences and a new cultural paradigm for attention, respect and debate.
We accepted the challenge of this new project. “Social Hosting Hub. Integrated, Local and On-line Educational Platform with High Impact and Inclusive Density. No Separation”, developed by the Comunità di Sant'Egidio, ActionAid and Parole O_stili, amongst the winners of the Google.org Impact Challenge sulla Sicurezza [see news: Safety Challenge].
Please remember that the DisAbuse Course, developed with European project DisAbuse: Disablist Bullying - Experience into Change, Providing the Right Support Services, is available on the Elisa Platform for all teachers who wish to learn more, even via distance training, about how to prevent and contrast prejudice-based bullying [see news: E-Learning with DisAbuse].
Project Gender Equality Matters also focuses on stereotypes, annoyance and violence. There will be a call for participation and presentations at the International GEM Conference that will be held in Dublin in June. Details will be available next week.