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In Favour of Migrants

In Favour of Migrants

In Favour of Migrants

Thanks to the shared data collected by the Registry of Agencies and Associations Conducting Activities in Favour of Immigrants, including the Fondazione Mondo Digitale,  the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy has published the new annual report on Italy.


The report is divided into three parts. The first provides an overview of the agencies in the first and second section of the Register, based on their legal type, local distribution, geographic activity, tendency to participate in the network on a local or issue-based logic, and main sectors of activity. Moreover, the section also analyses their propension to work in partnerships on individual projects and the characteristics of their legal representatives in terms to gender and nationality. The second and third part are dedicated to projects developed by members in the first and second section, with a focus on type of activities, funding, beneficiaries and human resources.


The report is easy to read and provided freely to everyone so that they may understand the commitment of the third sector for the migrant inclusion and social cohesion.


The analysis, addressing activities conducted in 2019, does not include the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic that introduced new critical issues and require that associations adapt to the new needs of the weakest categories of population.


Download the Report

Read the Abstract


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