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Fashion and Tech on TGR

Fashion and Tech on TGR

Fashion and Tech on TGR

Footage from the Fashion Digital Night was included in a TGR Lazio news report dedicated to the Rome Fashion Week organised by Altaroma. The original show with hi-tech and environmentally sustainable items is organised by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale to promote the creativity and talent of young designers and makers from around the world. The show featured 37 items uniting technology, sustainability and aesthetic appeal.


"Altaroma, cala il sipario" – a news report by Antonella Armentano, TGR Lazio (Jan. 27, 2020 – 2 pm edition)


The Fashion Digital Night is promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaboration with Altaroma and in partnership with 3DiTALY, WeMake, REA Academy, Fabricademy, Reshape, ITmakES and the Italian Consulate General in Barcelona. We would like to thank Fab Lab Frosinone, Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli and Fab Lab Perù for their help.


For further information:



La Fashion Digital Night è promossa dalla Fondazione Mondo Digitale, con la collaborazione di Altaroma e il partenariato di 3DiTALY, WeMake, REA Academy, Fabricademy, Reshape, ITmakES e Consolato generale d’Italia a Barcellona. Si ringraziano per la collaborazione il FabLab Frosinone, l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli e il FabLab Perù.



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