We would like to share the following event with our community. FabLearn Italy 2019, organised as part of the cycle of FabLearn Conferences, is promoted by the Università Politecnica delle Marche, a historical RomeCup partner.
This is an international conference that brings together researchers, teachers, educators and professionals that work to integrate the principles of making and educational robotics into formal, non-formal and informal didactic activities.
Lectures, scientific presentations and workshops will serve to debate the latest results on the introduction of digital manufacturing and robotics into didactic activities, assistance robotics for education, maker culture, hands-on learning and the innovation of learning environments to understand how innovative tools and educational methodologies are capable of promoting a more modern, inclusive and efficient, didactic activity in which the students become protagonists of the learning process.
FabLearn Italy is associated with the FabLearn Global Initiative that supports the diffusion of the principles of constructionism in learning and is based on the work of Paulo Blikstein, Associate Professor at Columbia University and the Transformative Learning Technologies Lab (TLTL).
The second edition of FabLearn Italy is organised thanks to the collaboration between INDIRE and the Università Politecnica delle Marche. It is financed by PON “Per la Scuola” 2014-2020 Coding and Robotics Project (Project Code 10.2.7.A2-FSEPON-INDIRE-2017-1 – CUP: B59B17000000006).
The conference will be held at the Università Politecnica delle Marche ad Ancona on November 20-22, 2019. Researchers and professionals from around the world are invited to submit their work by September 17. Participation is free.
Moreover, FabLearn Italy will also include Marche Drone-Week, a related event with workshops for secondary school students on drone types, a drone FPV Exhibition and professional competitions amongst pilots.
FabLearn Italy 2019 is part of Project “UNIVPM Sostenibile” and distributes metal water bottles, food on bio-compostable materials and attention to sustainable resources.