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On Monday November 4, 2013 at 3:00 pm the Liceo statale Regina Margherita in Salerno kicked off the lessons scheduled by Project Amongst Generations promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Google and CNA Pensionati with student tutors and members of the Salerno CNA Pensionati, including ceramicists, hair dressers and goldsmiths. The former craftsmen will introduce the students to their trades, while they will learn how to use a computer and other new technologies. Soon the Google scholarship winners will meet with the class to introduce Google Apps to young and elders.
The Salerno edition of Il Mattino dedicated an article to the initiative.
"An ambitious project that involves now retired artisans who will impart their knowledge and know-how to young students. These elder craftsmen will tell students at the Liceo Regina Margherita, a project partner, about their trades, crafts, secrets and love for their work …"
Read the article (in Italian)