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Everyone on the Internet

Everyone on the Internet

Everyone on the Internet

The initiative promoted by Poste Italiane with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale continues, thanks to the protagonists of Project Grandparents On-line. Everyone's Young at the Post Office.


After studying for 30 hours with their young tutors and learning about new technology, now, over-65s who have attended digital literacy courses in 30 Italian cities are ready to help their peers. Every school involved in the project will provide information and help over the course of four afternoons, helping citizens to understand how to use their digital devices and download the Post Office App or use a QRCode with BancoPosta, as well as quick courses on specific subjects (access to information, on-line payments, etc.).

For further information: On-line with our Grandparents.


Today, May 11, Digital Desks will be open at the following schools:






ISIS A. Casanova

2:00-4:00 pm


IIS Podesti Onesti

2:30-4:30 pm


IPSIA A. Castigliano

2:00-4:00 pm


IIS San Donà di Piave

8.00 - 10.00 am


  Digital Desks Schedule



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