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eSkills4Change in Puglia

eSkills4Change in Puglia

eSkills4Change in Puglia

This is a particularly intense week for Project eSkills4Change.


Yesterday’s training session at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym involved 50 students from two classes from ITIS Pertini in Genzano in an “Informatic Lab” held by Coaches Lara Forgione and Marco Brocchieri.


Today and tomorrow, instead, four “Informatic Labs” will be held in Puglia and Lombardy.


The sessions in Puglia will be held by Angelo Gino Varatti, Microsoft Student Partners


  • October 24, 2-6 pm, LSS Pepe Calamo, Ostuni
  • October 25, 9 am -1 pm, LS Orazio Tedone, Ruvo in Puglia
  • October 25, 14-18, IIS Margherita Hack, Bari


In Milan, Coach Francesco Ehnreim will hold the sessions for the IIS Caterina da Siena School, coordinated by Prof. Carmen Zaccardo. 


Thanks to eSkills4Change, Microsoft and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale are providing over 10,000 young Italian men and women with digital education opportunities, with a particular focus on women and southern Italy.


Con eSkills4Change Microsoft e Fondazione Mondo Digitale offrono a 10.000 giovani italiani opportunità di formazione digitale, con particolare attenzione alle donne e al Mezzogiorno.

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