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eSkills4Change On-line

eSkills4Change On-line

eSkills4Change On-line

It’s time for a short summer break for Project “Eskills4Change”, promoted by Microsoft, to provide over 10,000 young Italian men and women – with particular attention to women and individuals from the Italian southern regions - with opportunities for digital education. The activities will stop over the summer holidays, but we will keep working backstage to develop new formats, content and tools, as well as to launch new challenges. In the meantime, here is an on-line press review of the project.


Press Review (articles in Italian



Interview Playlist



Our News at
·      If Reality is Mixed
·      Call for 35 Schools
·      eskills4change Kicks Off 
 ·      Education is Changing
·      Complexity School
·      Ideas for Accessibility 
·      Identifying Solutions
·      Local Labs
·      Accessible Tools
·      Generations in Training
·      New Competences
·      Lab Experiences
·      New Ways to Learn 


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