1 min.
Project European Light Expression Network (Enlight), which begun in May 2016, will last 20 months and is implemented as part of the Creative Europe EU Programme for the cultural and creative sectors.
The objective of the project is to raise the interest of new audiences in visual arts and, especially, for the multidisciplinary art of light.
Through the “artist in residence” format, Project Enlight could become a brand standing for high quality experiences in the innovative production of light art, a new field that can be developed to raise global awareness on art and culture in general.
The objectives of Programme Creative Europe (€1.46 billion over seven years) include:
- Protect and promote European linguistic and cultural diversity and encourage European cultural wealth
- Contribute to the development of European objectives in terms of intelligent, sustainable and inclusive economic growth
- Support cultural and creative sectors in the adaptation to the digital era and globalization
- Identify new international horizons and opportunities, markets and targets.