Although Italians are familiar with the issue of renewables (55%), only 6% declare they have an in-depth understanding of the issues involved (Ipsos, Gli Italiani e l’energia, 2020).
Scientific and technological information only accounts for 7% of all information, notwithstanding the fact that these issues influence investments and consumption. Only 15% of journalists has an adequate preparation. Nearly 20% of fake news concern scientific issues [Agcom, News vs fake nel sistema dell’informazione].
On November 25 and December 3, Project CO.ME.SE (COde&FraME for Self-Empowerment), developed with ENI, will hold two fact-checking labs with experts from the Agenzia giornalistica Italia (AGI) news agency. The objective is to train a new generation of changemakers and debunkers. The sessions will be held on the Microsoft Teams Platform.
The interactive webinars will address fact-checking techniques applied to scientific and technological news with a focus on energy. The workshops will be followed by team challenges to test the ability of participants to verify and falsify information on the energy transition. The student teams, in digital rooms, will have an allotted amount of time to evaluate the nature of the information (sources, consumption, etc.) and motivate their answers and sources. A jury of experts will evaluate the answers and establish the winners. The challenge may also include a further test: an informative presentation (in simple, but not banal language) on a complex technical concept.