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End of Year Event

End of Year Event

End of Year Event

Today, Thursday, December 19, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale Community will meet for a Christmas Event to toast to a year of work together. We will review our achievements and the challenges that await us in the coming year.


Join us at 6:30 pm at Binario F on Via Marsala 29h (right by the Rome Termini Railway Station) at the Lventure Group and LUISS EnLabs Hub.


Registration required: EventBrite.

We’re looking forward to seeing you!


The 2019 collage includes one project for every month from January to December.


  • January - Fashion Digital Night
  • February - Digital Academy
  • Marche - 5G4School
  • April - RomeCup
  • May - Ambizione Italia for Schools
  • June – Io ci sono
  • July - OpenSpace
  • August - Vagone FMD
  • September - DisAbuse
  • October - CS First League
  • November - Coding Girls
  • December - Global Junior Challenge


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