Thirty-one literacy courses for 400 foreign citizens residing in Abruzzo: Italian language, civic education and various complementary services, including babysitting for young mothers, cultural-linguistic mediation activities and professional updating courses for teachers held by the CVCL at the Università per Stranieri di Perugia. These are the results of Project “SI FORMA – Inclusive Educational Services” that were presented today in Pescara with Marinella Sclocco, Social Policy Councillor at the Regione Abruzzo [see news: Si Forma Final Event].
“With the reform of the reception system for asylum seekers, the consequent official collaboration amongst various agencies that became privileged partners and the stabilisation of public funds allocated for reception, the Regione Abruzzo has initiated a series of projects addressing local integration, including Project SI FORMA. This is a perfect example of synergy between local agencies, school and private social operators that have guaranteed integrated reception operations, moving beyond the mere allocation of room and board services to add literacy courses that are indispensable to guarantee a true integration.”
This is how Councillor Marinella Sclocco commented the results of Project “SI FORMA – Inclusive Educational Services,” the Project implemented by the Regione Abruzzo, funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (FAMI) 2014-2020, and developed in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, Abruzzo Regional School Office, and the Adult Education Provincial Centres in L’Aquila, Pescara-Chieti and the Province of Teramo, for the social integration and education of third-country nationals.
Over the course of a year and a half, the project, which is based on the previous experience of “SEI – Schoold of Civic Education and Italian” and “SI – School of Italian” (first and second editions), involved 400 foreign citizens residing in Abruzzo in 31 literacy courses. The project addresses the development of linguistic, civic and cultural competences through a participative methodology that transforms migrants into active protagonists of the integration and inclusion process.
This led to the idea of including complementary services that could simplify the integration of foreigners in local communities, providing them with easy access to information, services and other opportunities, ranging from free baby-sitting services to distance learning courses, local collaborative courses in mountain and other remote areas, and the opening of schools in the evenings to allow all participants to participate without having to ignore family and work commitments.
This integration was made possible by the collaboration of a wide range of organisations and agencies, and particularly to the reorganisation of the Adult Education Provincial Centres and the guidelines indicating their organisational autonomy in terms of education.
“Thanks to Project SI FORMA we reinforced our commitment to provide a good quality integration of foreign citizens in Abruzzo. A friendly, informal and collaborative climate was developed in the classrooms that promoted interaction amongst different ethnic groups and encouraged the exchange of experiences amongst cultures,” explains Mirta Michilli, Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
“It is very difficult to live in Italy as foreigners, but when you are helped by people, it really makes you feel happy. You find the courage to keep going,” explains Almedina, a young Kosovar woman who thanks to Project SI FORMA acquired a B1-level Italian certificate and now hopes to become a health assistant.