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Educational Robotics


Educational Robotics

Educational Robotics


Arturo Baroncelli (Comau), Paolo Dario (Scuola Superiore S. Anna di Pisa), Maurizio Filoni, (Comau), Francesco Mosca (Amma), Giovanni Muscato (Università degli Studi di Catania), Fiorella Operto (Scuola di Robotica di Genova) and Patrizia Paparozzi (Camera di Commercio di Torino) are some of the signatories of the National Network Agreement to promote technological research and culture through educational and service robotics.
Elisa Amorelli's handy cam records face and voices of the protagonists right before the four roundtables begin. In the background, you can year the excitement of the participants.



The four roundtables:
  • Institutions and Governance for the development and diffusion of Robotics in School
  • Institutions and Governance for the development and diffusion of Robotics in School
  • Technological Trends that promote and/or hinder the development and diffusion of Robotics in School
  • Market and Industrial Trends that promote and/or hinder the development and diffusion of Robotics in School


Alfonso Molina draws an initial balance of the works:



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