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The Educational Landscape

The Educational Landscape

The Educational Landscape

One of the key words of the Global Junior Challenge is experimentation. Elisabetta Betty L’Innocente, Professor of Italian Literature at the Istituto Comprensivo Rita Levi Montalcini in Civitella del Tronto (Teramo), tells us about the educational motivation behind Project L'Urlando spaesato al Fantasy Wood in the "Up to 15" Category.


It was immediately clear that the pandemic had to be exploited as an opportunity to imagine a new way of living space with creativity, the professor explains. “Audiovisual language helped us look for a new way of imaging the future, the city in which we were to live.” And the students became directors, using images to discover and describe areas, animals and objects with welcoming words and images. As Elisabetta Betty L’innocente explains, it all lies in looking at the world or objects from a different perspective, one in which even a telephone can become an important tool for inclusion.



Are you an experimenter, too? Tell us about your experience and register for the Global Junior Challenge. The deadline is on July 31.

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