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The Education Challenge

The Education Challenge

The Education Challenge

Andrea Morachioli, 21, studies computer engineering at the Cremona campus of the Politecnico di Milano. After his experience as a start-upper with a software house, he now works as a freelance developer and dedicates part of his time to educating young men and women with Project Ambizione Italia for Schools.


Andrea was called to help students at IIS Marconi di Nocera Inferiore (Salerno) develop their chatbot for shopping, to complete the idea and create an access point for the virtual assistant [see news: Shopping? I’ll Help!].


In a phone interview with Francesca Meini, Andrea describes his initial difficulties as an educator and the model that he chose to pursue, inspired by teamwork. What does he wish for his students? He would like to see their names as young innovators in specialized magazines …


Ascolta "Andrea, 21 anni: la formazione come gioco" su Spreaker.

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