“Digital sustainability is on the books at the Istituto Edoardo Amaldi in Tor Bella Monaca. This is the first school fitted with an Innovation Gym thanks to the project that will install seven gyms in as many schools to contrast educational poverty in the suburbs with a high degree of social distress. At the Amaldi School, students will work with a team of experts from the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome who will teach them how to fly a small swarm of drones to control local pollution levels and monitor against illegal actions.”
Journalist Andrea Mollas reports on the inauguration of the drone flight camp for the three-year Smart & Heart Rome Programme promoted with the City of Rome, both on the print and on-line versions of Repubblica.
“We want to give students the opportunity to grow professionally, too, so that they will have a clearer idea about their future,” explains School Director Maria Rosaria Autiero. “When we heard about it, we couldn’t believe it,” remarks Alfonso, an excited student in Class IIIB. “We’ll prove that students from the suburbs can be at the same level as students from the best schools. We have a lot to learn, but also a lot to offer.”
Here are both articles:
Un volo di droni riscatterà Tor Bella
By Andrea Mollas
La Repubblica, April 5, 2022
I droni atterrano nel liceo di Tor Bella Monaca, all'Amaldi nasce il primo campo volo
The project is part of the three-year 'Smart & Heart Rome' Programme that will develop seven innovation gyms against educational poverty in suburbs with a high degree of social distress.
La Repubblica, April 4, 2022