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Distance Learning and Agile Work

Distance Learning and Agile Work

Distance Learning and Agile Work

The health emergency continues to require sacrifices. We are going back to on-line activities. While parents are challenged by smart work, our older children will return to on-line schooling. This time, however, we cannot claim to be unprepared… Do we know how to defend ourselves from hackers? Are we a “smart family” that knows how to stick together?


Our on-line courses introduce parents to new digital tools that can improve relations with their children an strengthen their educational roles in the on-life dimension, too, between real and virtual life. The free webinars will address key issues for living on-line safely and conscientiously: on-line reputation, phishing and fake news, privacy and security, on-line bullying, hate speech, etc.




Upcoming lessons for parents


  • November 4, 5:00-6:30 pm

"Promote Kindness" | Cyberbullying and Hatespeech

  • November 10, 5:00-6:30 pm

"In Doubt, Speak About It" | Discussions amongst Parents and Children


Register for the Webinar

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