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Today – Tuesday, October 25 - 30 school administrators will attend a Lego Serious Play course in Tivoli at the Liceo L. Spallanzani.
Cecilia Stajano, Lego® Serious Play® Trained LSP Coach will address:
- Leadership, team building and organizational models.
- Development and Exploitation of School Skill, Staff and Team Management.
- Digital Skills for School Staff: experiences and excellence.
The training programme for teachers and school administrators is part of the national PON “Per la scuola” 2014-2020 plan, including:
- Specific objective 10.8 "Diffusion of knowledge society in school and training and adoption of innovative didactic approaches"
- Action 10.8.4 "Training of school staff and courses on innovative technology and methodological approaches."
School calls aim to select expert trainers, either internally or externally, on issues addressed by the National Plan for Digital School.