2 min.
Digital Venice 2014 kicks off today. It’s the first event held during the Italian Presidency of the European Commission. The event is organized by the Italian Government in collaboration with the EU Commission Connect DG.
The Fondazione Mondo Digitale will be represented by Cecilia Stajano in the first of five parallel sessions dedicated to Digital Skills and Competences at the Venice Arsenale (3-6 pm) and will be followed by a plenary session.
You can follow the live streaming of Digital Venice 2014.
The session will be held entirely in English.
Chair: Anna Masera, Italian Parliament - Chamber of Deputies, Head of Communication and Press Office, “E-skillsforJobs” Ambassador
• Agostino Ragosa, AGID
• Gergana Passy, Bulgaria Digital Champion
• Rachel Neaman, Chairperson, Digital Leaders Programme
• Ana Cristina Neves, Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science, Director of Department of Information Society
• Michael Kölling, Professor at the School of Computing, University of Kent, UK National Teaching Fellow and founding member of 'Computing At School’
• Lucilla Sioli, European Commission, DG Connect, Head of Unit - Knowledge Base
Alessandro Fusacchia, Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, Head of Minister Cabinet