The Fondazione Mondo Digitale has undersigned the Manifesto for a Digital Republic, promoted by the Team for Digital Transformation.
“Digital technology represents a great opportunity to relaunch the constitutional principles, rights and values at the foundation of our Republic. And to make this dream come true, a necessary, albeit insufficient condition is that governments, enterprise and citizens collaborate to overcome every form of digital illiteracy, for the same reasons and with the same determination with which we overcame linguistic illiteracy following the second world war,” writes Luca Attias, Special Commissioner for the Implementation of the Digital Agenda.
“We decided to call this initiative Digital Republic. And we look at it as one of our most open projects that we hope will be joined by a great number of organisations, starting with the signature of the Manifesto for a inclusive and widespread Open Digital Republic [source: Come passare da un'emergenza digitale a una Repubblica digitale, in Italian, AGI].
We’re in!
Current Manifesto signatories