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Digital and the Legal Sector

Digital and the Legal Sector

Digital and the Legal Sector

We continue reporting on the School of Internet for Everyone, the largest on-line educational drive dedicated to all those who wish to learn more about the use of digital tools in everyday life. Together with local coordinators, we are striving to create a community and bring together community holders working for the common good. Together we can drive human capital.


Today, we report on Lawyer Giuliana Barberi who heads the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Bar of Reggio Calabria and the National Legal Association in Reggio Calabria. Both organisations have undersigned the agreement to join the collaborative network developed by the School of Internet for Everyone.


"This is a fundamental educational network that is completely free and aims to help professionals and our community,” explains Giuliana Barberi. “The agreement undersigned with the Fondazione by the CPO-COA Reggio Calabria and ANF Reggio Calabria aims to extend this free service to all professionals, particularly lawyers, and then to extend it to the entire community.”


"The objective is to overcome the gap that leaves Italy at the bottom of the European rankings in terms of citizens’ basic and advanced digital skills. Continuous lifelong learning is fundamnetal to drive change and allow citizens to keep abreast of digital innovation, especially in the professional sector, and the economy which is the main driver of an advanced country.


Public and private organisations that wish to enrol their employees in courses should write to or contact their regional coordinators.


The project is promoted by TIM in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale as part of programme Operation Digital Risorgimento.



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